Hi, you might notice some changes in our stores…
We have put in place a 5-year plan to source over 80% of our products from US manufacturers and artists. Additionally, in that time frame, we will be transitioning to using all recyclable supplies and packaging.
This year, we can make the promise that any items coming from outside the US, have been checked to insure we are not importing from countries whose human rights and environmental records do not meet standards here in the US. For now, in some categories such as toys and books, this has just not been possible – but we are working on it.
For our customers, these changes mean two things:
(1) The quality of the item you are purchasing is the best we have ever seen.
(2) Your purchase in our store is supporting not only local and US businesses – it is helping to stop the exploitation of people and the environment.
Shop Ethically, Shop Locally. Love where you live. Do the right thing.
Thank you, as always, for supporting our local business by shopping with us.
Right now we do not sell items online, we you want to see the product you are purchasing and meet the people selling it.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me:
Owner: Tom Flight. Husband of Teacher, Dad of 3 kids under 16, Critical Care EMT, School Board Member, Artist and Someone finding his way in life.
Admin@mymontauk.com 631-590-0125